Free LASIK Consultation: Call (855) 875-2020 9:00am–5:00pm

LASIK Self Test

The answers to your questions will be sent directly to our staff counselors who will contact you shortly to clarify any points that need more discussion and let you know if it appears as though LASIK will work for you. The only way to be certain whether LASIK can work for you is to complete the LASIK Evaluation which Kung Eye Center will offer to you at no charge or obligation. Be sure to include a phone number and email address where we can contact you. You can also call our LASIK Hotline at 888-204-8320 to schedule your Free LASIK Consultation!

Expand Your Knowledge

Gain a deeper understanding about the topics, conditions, and procedures discussed on this page by watching our informational videos.

Thank you for your interest in LASIK at Kung Eye Center and for submitting your answers to this Self Evaluation Test.

Request an Appointment

Please call our New York office at (929) 429-2928 or our New Jersey office at (732) 724-2535 with any questions you may have.