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Diabetic Eye Disease is a progressive disease that causes retinal damage. It is not curable but can be managed with the help of medication, diet, and lifestyle modifications. It is important to be aware of the symptoms of diabetic eye disease, and if diagnosed, know how to properly care for your eyes. Read on to learn more about this condition.
The retina is the lining in the back of the eye that receives visual signals. Diabetic Eye Disease can cause damage to the retina resulting in blood vessels leaking blood into the area under the retina. This bleeding can affect your vision and is a severe symptom that should be immediately addressed by a specialist.
Another symptom of Diabetic Eye Disease is blurry vision caused by swelling. Although there is no blindness, loss of vision can be permanent if the condition is left untreated. The early stages of Diabetic Eye Disease are also often misdiagnosed as Cataracts, due to their shared symptom of blurred vision.
Among the most devastating symptoms to develop is permanent vision loss. This means you can no longer drive safely, function at work, enjoy time with family and friends or do anything else that requires visual clarity. With proper care, however, there are a variety of treatments available that can help restore vision and prevent vision loss.
Patients with Diabetic Eye Disease may also develop painful changes in nearsightedness, caused by the expansion of blood vessels that block light from reaching the far end of the retina.
If Diabetic Eye Disease is not treated, it may result in retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is the separation of the retina from the back of your eye. If this occurs, you will lose your vision and need to be operated on.
Phototoxic diabetic eye disease is an uncommon disease that causes permanent damage to the retina by exposing it to excess light during daylight hours. Because of this, patients may be required to wear dark glasses outside, avoiding direct sunlight whenever possible.
While diabetic retinopathy cannot always be prevented, regular eye exams, good control of your blood sugar and blood pressure, and early intervention for vision problems can help to prevent loss of vision. If you have diabetes, you can reduce your risk for diabetic eye disease by managing your diabetes, monitoring your blood sugar levels, keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol under control, quitting smoking, and being aware of any vision changes.
Diabetic eye disease can be severe and should be taken seriously. Anyone suffering from diabetic eye disease should seek immediate medical attention from Kung Eye Center and not attempt to manage the condition independently. For professional and prompt care, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.
Please call our New York office at (929) 429-2928 or our New Jersey office at (732) 724-2535 with any questions you may have.